How to Choose a Killer Brand Name: A Quick Guide for New Business Owners

Hey there, new business owner! 🎉 Starting a new venture is super exciting, but choosing the perfect brand name can feel daunting. Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered with this quick and easy guide to finding that killer brand name.

Why Your Brand Name Matters

A great brand name can:

– Boost Recognition: Memorable names stick in customers’ minds.

– Build Trust: Strong names convey professionalism and reliability.

– Set You Apart: Unique names distinguish you from competitors.

Different Types of Brand Names

  1. Descriptive Names: Clearly describe what your business does. Examples: “The Body Shop” or “British Airways.”

   – Pros: Easy to understand.

   – Cons: Less distinctive.


  1. Abstract Names: Made-up words with no direct connection. Examples: “Google” and “Kodak.”

   – Pros: Unique and easy to trademark.

   – Cons: Require more marketing.


  1. Emotive and Playful Names: Evoke emotions or fun. Examples: “Happy Socks” or “Innocent Drinks.”

   – Pros: Strong emotional connection.

   – Cons: Might not be taken seriously in some industries.


  1. Origin/Heritage Names: Draw on history or origin. Examples: “Harrods” and “Rolls-Royce.”

   – Pros: Convey authenticity.

   – Cons: Less flexible if the business changes direction.


The Naming Process

  1. Define Your Brand: Understand your core values, mission, target audience, and desired emotions.
  2. Brainstorming: Gather your team and jot down every idea, no matter how silly.
  3. Shortlist and Categorise: Organize your ideas into categories and narrow them down.
  4. Check Availability: Ensure the domain name, trademarks, and social media handles are available.
  5. Test Your Top Choices: Get feedback, create mock-ups, and ensure easy pronunciation and spelling.
  6. Make Your Final Decision: Choose a name that resonates with your brand’s identity.


Real-World Examples

  1. Google: Abstract and memorable.
  2. Innocent Drinks: Emotive and conveys health.
  3. Harrods: Origin/Heritage, evoking tradition and luxury.


Working with a Designer

A professional designer can help develop a cohesive brand identity. Provide a clear brief, collaborate closely, and trust their expertise.



Choosing a killer brand name is a journey. With the right process and a bit of creativity, you can find a name that stands the test of time. Remember, your brand name is more than just words—it’s the foundation of your brand’s identity. Happy naming!

For a detailed guide on choosing the perfect brand name, check out our full guide HERE 


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